Naked Yoga is taking New York by storm

What is Naked Yoga?

Naked yoga is the practice of yoga without any clothes / specialist gear to restrict your movements. It has been practiced for thousands of years in Eastern cultures as Nagna yoga or Vivastra yoga.

Naked yoga is not practiced widely in the Western world but its gaining popularity as men and women begin to understand its benefits. Naked Yoga is getting more popular in NYC as it has many benefits that boost the body and mind.

Why You Should Try Naked Yoga?

1) To exercise and strengthen your muscles –

Naked Yoga strengthens your core muscles which are needed for good posture and effective blood circulation.  It can also lower blood pressure, boost energy levels, and enhance your strength.

Nude yoga can also address the neck and back ache caused by inactivity. Inactivity comes from our everyday work environment which includes spending many hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer.

2) Yoga is a proven way to lower stress and calm your anxieties –

When performing yoga, the breathing exercises push out anxious thoughts which can help reduce insomnia and anger.

3) Naked yoga reaps the physical and mental benefits of standard yoga but it also boosts confidence in your appearance –

By embracing your perceived imperfections you’ll feel more confident in and out of your clothes.

Individuals with poor self-esteem find naked yoga boosts all aspects of their work, home, and sex lives. This is because it helps them accept who they are and feel liberated from the everyday scrutiny of society.

Aside from health benefits, Nude yoga is visually stimulating. Imagine watching a naked body stretch, flex and tense muscles in revealing positions. What is not to like about that?

This visual stimulation boosts your sexual energy, increases your natural sex drive, and leaves you feeling good all over.

How about trying some naked yoga in nyc followed by a slippery Nuru massage? Click here to see the models available to session.

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